Tuesday, December 28, 2010


I love Christmas even more now than I probably ever did when I was a kid.  I think because seeing family and getting new things has been happening less and less and less and less since I moved to Columbia two and a half years ago.  In the last six months or so . . . we've been nearly at a standstill in those areas of life.

This Christmas was especially special because . . . I enjoyed it so much?   Reasons:

  • It snowed 5 inches the morning of Christmas Eve.  Granted, the most I got to enjoy this was primarily while driving through it, which was an awful thing to do at 5:30 in the morning.  There was considerably less snow at Mom & Dad's, but they got enough for satisfaction by Christmas morning.
  • I was witness to my father taking extremely potent pain killer.  (Much less distressing than not on Vidacin in this instance).  He hurt his knee and neglected to go to the doctor before Christmas, so he had to wait until Monday.  = he was pretty stuck in one place the whole time we were there.  = we got to enjoy much more of his company than usual.
  • Our whole family (minus Zephan) was together for a few days the weekend before Christmas.  
  • My youngest niece informed me while I was making a birthday card for my grandma that "When [she] was [my] age, [she] used to like to do that."
  • I played an excellent new game with my husband, favorite little bro and fun, nerdy cousin at my aunt's house.  Zephan was exposed to some aspects of my family that had been lacking entirely from his life experience.  :)
  • My mom finished a quilt that my great grandma Gertie started.  I made her keep the quilt top probably seven years ago.  I knew it would be good if someone got around to quilting it.  And it is SO good.  
  • I also received an iTunes gift card, which I am enjoying as I'm writing.  What is it about buying new music that makes life so bright and sparkly?
  • Zephan got me a super nice camera.  = new hobby, lots of pictures (mostly of cats, so far).  Unfortunately, I'm separated from the products of this new toy.  I will share soon, though.