Thursday, May 24, 2012

We've Moved

We've been streamlining our communications lately, and we've switched our blog to wordpress.  It gives us a lot more control and functionality.  Hopefully you will be impressed.  Check it out and change your subscription to keep hearing from us:

Friday, May 4, 2012


Our darling boy went to the doctor yesterday for a physical.  The doctor found nothing wrong with him except that his weight is only in the third percentile.  She was rather concerned, and we're confused about whether we should be.

A friend from church came over last night to help Katie bind the quilt that she started over a year ago.  All of the machine stitching is done, and now all that's left is to hand stitch the back.  While she's sorely tempted to count this project as finished and start a new one, Zephan's one goal in life is to make sure she really finishes it first.  Once it's done, we'll have to post a photo.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012


Easter weekend we were busy, busy, busy.  Among other things, we went to an Easter brunch and egg hunt.  And of course, Silas participated to the best of his ability.  We have some ADORABLE pictures of him sitting in the middle of the other kids during the resurrection eggs.  He was a great listener, and never actually got sat on or trampled during the entire presentation.  Here he is huntin' eggs.  He mostly just latched onto the first shiny one he found.  Which, coincidentally, had a Ghirardelli chocolate inside.

We also went to the Botanical Garden in Fort Worth.  Which was free, and very crowded and full of weddings.  Like everyone else there, we took many many pictures.

Saturday, March 31, 2012

Feed Store

This morning we took an excursion out to the grand opening of the farmer's market in Grand Prairie.  We bought some homemade tortillas and new potatoes, and are so excited about eating both.  A few weeks ago Zephan bought some new potatoes from the market in Dallas, and we cooked them with fresh rosemary from our new garden. It. was. awesome.

On the way home, we stopped at a nice little local feed store to buy diatomaceous earth (food grade!) and fencing for our peas to climb.  There was no fencing, but we did buy original recipe Dr. Pepper in a glass bottle (made with real sugar, so . . . healthy) and now we know where to buy any kind of pepper plant you could ever want.  And we're thinking about buying some strawberry plants.  Plus Silas got to check out the bunnies and parakeets.

Katie has decided that we definitely need to go back, if only for the Dr. Pepper and the feed store smell.  It reminded her of hanging around the MFA with her Dad and grandma as a kid, which invariably ended in wanting one of those suckers they always had by the cash register in the cool stands.

Tuesday, February 28, 2012


Last weekend we went to Austin to visit Zephan's uncle and aunt.  We had a great time with them and the kids and enjoyed doing some touring around Austin. 

This weekend Katie's mom and brother will be in town for a choir conference.  We are super excited to see them!  It's been a month since we moved here, and it's amazing how much the little guy's changed. He cut a tooth a few days ago, he's sprouting more hair every day, and I've even caught him doing a baby push-up.  Grandma will be so happy to reacquaint herself.

Monday, February 20, 2012

Great Things About TX

Texas edition trucks
Sprouts (3/$1 red peppers!  . . . among other things.)
Texas grapefruit
Wood paneling
walking places
Czech Stop

Friday, February 3, 2012

Dallas, The Beginning

Well, we moved.  Did it: success.

The last two days have been filled with all kinds of organizing, running errands, and meeting new people. We'll have to put up some pictures of our new home soon.

Tomorrow is the first day of a three-day workshop.  We're off to a quick start, but our schedule should clear up significantly once our real classes start.  + tons of homework.  We got our books yesterday.  We hadn't planned on it and ended up carrying Silas back to our house and packing the books in his stroller.

It is quite warm here. Wonderful outside, but a little toasty inside where the air conditioners haven't been turned on yet. Because it could be cold again next week.

Monday, January 23, 2012


We're moving to Dallas in a week and a half.  Last night Mom came and carried away some of our furniture, which meant that we had to unload it.  The resulting piles are everywhere.  And we're not sure where to start.

My goal for today: think about books. We have way too many books.

Thursday, January 19, 2012


I went through all of my clothing the other day. It was a big project, and kind of emotionally draining.  I remember when I used to be able to wear almost everything I owned.  No longer.

I did discover that I can now wear my prepregnancy sweatpants, which I couldn't a few months ago.  So that's pretty exciting.

But most of my clothes are unusable, as of now.  I'm packing them for Texas anyway.  A lot can happen in 5 months, right? I'll look at the too-small clothes as inspiration.  I'm not really into long-term dieting, but Zephan likes to talk me into short spurts of themed eating.  Not usually anything too weird. 

This week, it's the "no processed carbs" diet.  I can eat as much as I want, but nothing with flour and nothing like candy or soda. So I've been pounding down all kinds of rice, quinoa, fruit, veggies, and popcorn.  And looking longingly at bread, tortillas, and chips (not to mention the box of M&Ms and Fererro Rocher chocolates on our shelf). 

And when I weighed myself yesterday, I was 4 pounds lighter than last week.  Amazing what a little tweak to the eating habits can do.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012


Zephan and I do a lot of praying.  Never as much as we should, but there are some big aspects of our life that we know can only happen with action on God's part. So we pray.

Sometimes I get discouraged, thinking God is sure taking his sweet time to answer our requests.  All of our worries center around these few things—surely he knows how I long for him to show us his love for us by diving into our lives and lifting our burdens.  I get stuck and begin to think that maybe I'm not doing something right—my formula is off.  Maybe I'm not praying hard enough, maybe I need to do a fast, maybe I'm not marking off enough of those check boxes for the Christian life.

But stop. Wait a minute. God doesn't do formulas. His love and grace is completely free. It doesn't need to be earned.  It can't be earned.  Somewhere along the way, I've subscribed to the belief that if I'm good enough, God will respond to me with blessings.  And I've really been trying to get out of that rut.  It's me who needs to the responding. When I feel out of sync in my prayer life, it's not because I'm not doing something right, but I'm not thinking something right.

I hit a breakthrough yesterday.

We've had issues with Silas's sleeping patterns lately.  While Z was in Africa, my maternal sustainability relied on Silas taking naps with minimal work on my part. So we worked our routine, and he got really good at falling asleep whenever I laid him down.  It was magical. Since his Dad's return our routine has gone a bit out the window, but Silas was still doing pretty well.  Until last week.  Last week, he started wailing the moment his head touched the pack 'n' play.  Every. time.  And there was no letting him cry it out.  He would cry for hours with no sign of giving up. And so we ended up walking him and nursing him to sleep, something I know I cannot sustain on a long-term basis.  It was very frustrating.

Every time I've laid him down since this started, I've said a short prayer. "Please, let him fall asleep. Please, let him fall asleep." These prayers had gotten increasingly desperate and decreasingly hopeful. They more of a "well, you never know what might happen, I may as well try" kind of thing.  And so yesterday, I found myself doing the bargaining thing.  "God, what do I need to do? If I take time to read my Bible, will you make him fall asleep?"

As soon as the thought entered my head, I experienced a spiritual shaking of sorts.  No! This is not of God. These prayers are not of God. I am asking for the wrong thing. So I stopped, looked in the mirror, and prayed much more sincerely. God, give me the patience and wisdom to deal with this.

I swear, not a minute later, I thought I might try moving the pack 'n' play into a different room.  I took my crying son out of his bed, moved his bed as he continued screaming, placed him back in the bed, and shut the door.  Three minutes later: sweet, sweet, silence.  Hallelujah.

All this to say that I have a new resolution, one that I'm hoping will pull me out of this prayer rut.  I'm changing my thinking, about small things like sleeping babies and about big things like moving and budgeting.  Instead of asking for God to change my circumstances, (God, provide money for our ministry.  God, make our decisions for us. God, I need ____ to feel happier and more content. God, change how my husband is leading our family.) I'm going to ask him to change me. (God, help me be thankful for what you give us. Give us wisdom to make decisions. I want to find my happiness in you. Help me follow my husband where you lead him.)

This helps me think about these verses, and makes them a little more achievable:

There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear, because fear has to do with punishment. The one who fears is not made perfect in love. I John 4:18

I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want. I can do all this through him who gives me strength. Philippians 4:12-13